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Math 2 Module 5: Geometric Figures

5.1 Ready, Set, Go!

Questions 1 - 5

For these questions, you can write anything you want!


Questions 6 - 10

This question asks you to find the missing angle in a linear pair. This video covers supplementary angles and linear pairs:


Linear pairs are two angles that add up to 180 degrees. We know that any time we have 180 degrees, it makes a straight line. If all supplementary angles add up to 180, does that mean supplementary angles are the same thing as linear pairs?

Question 11

This question asks you to find the supplemental angle and draw the two angles as a linear pair. This video covers supplementary angles and linear pairs:


Questions 12 - 14

This question asks you to find the missing angle in a linear pair. This video covers supplementary angles and linear pairs:

5.2 Ready, Set, Go!

Question 1

This video reviews the equal sign:


Question 2

This video explains what the measure of an angle is:


Question 3

This video offers an overview of geometry symbols:


Question 4

This video will walk you through an example in which these math symbols are used:


Question 5

This video will walk you through an example in which these math symbols are used:


Question 6

This video explains the concept of angle:


Question 7

This video will show you an overview of symbols used in geometry that can help you answer this question:


Questions 8 - 9

This video will walk you through an example in which these math symbols are used:


Questions 10 - 11

This video will show you an overview of symbols used in geometry that can help you answer this question:


Question 12

This video will walk you through an example in which these math symbols are used:


Question 13

This symbol is a combination of two symbols. What are they?


Question 14

This video explains the concept of absolute value:


Questions 15 - 16

This video will show you an overview of symbols used in geometry that can help you answer this question:


Questions 17 - 18

This video shows you how to construct a perpendicular bisector of an angle:


Question 19

This video shows you how to construct a perpendicular bisector of an angle:


Question 20

This video shows you how to find the unknown angles:

Question 21

This video shows you how to find the unknown angles


Question 22

Here is the video that gives you similar examples to this question:


Question 23

Here is the video that gives you similar examples to this question:


Question 24

This video explains the 3 types of graph transformations (reflection, rotation, and translation):


Question 25

This video shows you how to translate a figure on a graph:


Question 26

This video shows you how to find the slope of a segment:


Question 27

This video shows you how to reflect a triangle over the x-axis:


Question 28

This video shows you how to rotate a triangle 180 degrees around the origin on a cartesian coordinate plane:

5.3 Ready, Set, Go!

Questions 1 - 6

This video will help you understand Congruence statement and Congruence pattern:


Question 7

This video will help you understand the altitude of a triangle:


Question 8

This video will help you understand angle bisectors in a triangle:


Question 9

This video will help you understand the altitude of a triangle:


Question 10

This video gives you similar examples:


Question 11

This video shows you how to construct the altitude of a triangle:


Question 12

This video shows you how to construct the median of a triangle:

Question 13

This video will show you constructing a perpendicular bisector:


Question 14

This video shows you how to prove if two triangles are congruent through examples:


Questions 15 - 17

This video will help you reflect a segment over a line in a coordinate plane: 


Question 18

This video shows you how to translate a figure in the coordinate plane:


Questions 19 - 20

This video gives you similar examples to this question:


Question 21

Here is the video that gives you similar examples to this question:


Questions 22 - 23

This video gives you similar examples to this question:

5.4 Ready, Set, Go!

Questions 1 - 6

This video will help you recognize and classify different quadrilaterals. Remember that some quadrilaterals may be multiple types. For example, a rectangle can be classified as a parallelogram but that does not mean that any parallelogram can be classified as a rectangle:

Question 7

This video will help you recognize parallel line and segments:


Questions 8 - 11

This video will help you identify congruence patterns in triangles:

5.5 Ready, Set, Go!

Question 1

This video will help you prove why the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is equal to 360 degrees:


Question 2

This video gives you similar examples:


Questions 3 - 7

This video will help you graph an equation that contains fractions:


Questions 8 - 16

This video will help you understand parallel and perpendicular lines, transversals, alternate interior angles, alternate exterior angles:


Questions 17 - 19

This video shows you how to solve for missing angles in a triangle and introduce you to the exterior angles theorem:


Question 20

This video will teach you about the relationships of angles formed by two parallel lines intersected by a transverse line:


Questions 21 - 25

This video will show you how to solve for missing angles in parallel lines:


Questions 26 - 31

This video will teach you about the relationships of angles formed by two parallel lines intersected by a transverse line:


Questions 26 - 31

This video helps you understand complementary and supplementary angles:

5.6 Ready, Set, Go!

Question 1

This video will help you analyze translations:


Question 2

This video will help you analyze reflections:


Question 3

This video will help you analyze rotations:


Question 4

This video will help you understand rigid-motion transformations: 


Questions 5 - 6

This video will help you solve for missing angle:

Questions 7 - 8

This video will help you solve for missing angle in parallel lines:


Questions 9 - 10

This video shows you how to prove if triangles are congruent:


Questions 11 - 14

There are no questions with these numbers.


Questions 15 - 18

This video will show you how to graph absolute value functions. Think about how the video graphed the functions:


Think about the translations, compressions, and dilations that the equation did to the original graph. How could you use this example to help you find the equation for the given graphs?


5.7 Ready, Set, Go!

Questions 1 - 3

This lesson explains what congruent means and what needs to be true for two shapes to be congruent:


Question 4



Questions 5 - 6

This video will explain to you the properties of parallelograms:​


Questions 7 - 10

This video shows you how to find missing angles in parallelograms using the properties of parallelograms:


Questions 11 - 12

This proof uses statement conventions and symbols used with triangles, segments, and angles:


Question 13

The abbreviated unit for yards is "yd" and for feet is "ft".


Question 14

This proof uses statement conventions and symbols used with lines and line segments:

Question 15

This proof uses statement conventions and symbols used with lines and line segments:


Question 16

This proof uses statement conventions and symbols used with triangles, segments, and angles:


Question 17

Think about what the distance between two numbers means. Is it always negative or positive? Is there a mathematical tool to express the distance between two numbers on a number line?


This video walks you through a similar problem:


Questions 18 - 19

This proof uses statement conventions and symbols used with triangles, segments, and angles:


Question 20

This video explains the differences between congruence and equality:

5.8 Ready, Set, Go!

Questions 1 - 2

This video will show you how to use a compass and a ruler to draw a perpendicular bisector:


Question 3

This video will explain the differences between a midpoint and a bisector:


Think about the two definitions and the examples given in the video. Do bisectors always have to be perpendicular?


Questions 4 - 5

This video will explain what is the median of a triangle. Try to think about a strategy to draw the median by thinking about its properties:


To draw the median you have to come up with a strategy. This video will show you one strategy using a compass and a ruler:


Question 6

Try to think about a strategy to draw the perpendicular bisectors in a triangle by thinking about their properties:


This video will show you a strategy to draw the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle:


Question 7

Try to think about a strategy to draw the bisector of an angle. This video will help you draw one:


Question 8

This video will explain the relationship between the angle bisectors of a triangle:


Think about a strategy to draw the bisector of an angle by thinking of its properties:


Questions 9 - 14

Think about what makes a paralellogram different from all other types of quadrilaterals. This video explains the properties of a paralellogram:


Question 15

Think about what makes a paralellogram different from all other types of quadrilaterals. This video explains the properties of a paralellogram:


Questions 16 - 17

This video reviews medians, bisectors, and perpendicular bisectors of triangles:

Question 18

This video explains the interior angle sum theorem for triangles:


Question 19

This video explains the altitudes of triangles:


Question 20

Think about what is the sum of the angles of a triangle. Now, think about the definition of supplementary angles. This video explains what supplementary angles are:


This video explains the interior angle sum theorem for triangles:


Question 21

Think about what is the sum of the angles of a triangle. Think about what is special about the angles of a right triangle. Now, think about the definition of complementary angles. This video explains what complementary angles are:


This video explains the interior angle sum theorem for triangles:


Questions 22 - 24

This video will help you classify quadrilaterals based on their properties:


Question 25

This video talks about the properties of rectangles:


Questions 26 - 28

This video explains the properties of a paralellogram:


Question 29

This video explains how to classify quadrilaterals based on their properties:


Question 30

This video explains translations in the coordinate plane:

5.9 Ready, Set, Go!

Question 1

This video will explain to you the relationship between the exterior and interior angles of a triangle:


Question 2

This video will explain to you the relationship between the interior angles of a triangle:


Question 3

This video will explain to you the relationship between the interior angles of a quadrilateral:


Questions 4 - 5

This video will teach you about the properties of paralellograms:


Questions 6 - 7

This video will teach you about the different types of angles formed by two parallel lines and a transversal and the relationship between the angles:

Questions 8 - 10

This video will walk you through a two-column proof. Try to observe the language that is used and the statements that are made to create a proof for the given diagram:


Questions 11 - 16

Think about the most specific classification for the given figure. Thing about its properties and think about the properties of triangles. This video will explain to you the properties of that figure:


Questions 17 - 24

Think about the most specific classification for the given figure. Thing about its properties and think about the properties of triangles. This video will explain to you the properties of that figure:

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